Hi, I'm Burhan Köseler. A passionate Full-Stack Engineer based in Japan. 📍

Hey, my name is Burhan, and I'm Software Developer. My passion is to create and develop clean Services and clean Websites for my users. My main stack currently is React/Next.js in combination with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.


Skills & Technologies

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Apps I have Built

Coming soon!



Game Server Engineer

Soft Gear CO., Ltd., Tokyo/Osaka, JapanMarch 2024 - present
  • Teammember of a R&D Team for creating the server side for online games using Kotlin / NodeJS

Junior Software Engineer

Xibix Solutions GmbH, Munich, GermanyJuly 2022 - October 2023
  • Teammember of a Microservice Web development Project using Java (Quarkus), Angular, NGRX
  • Fullstack Development of a car messaging Service
  • Ownership of a monolithic Web development Project using Angular, NodeJS, RXJS and TypeOrm
  • Fullstack Development of a media management Website implementing new features as well as refactoring old code to improve performance
  • Committed code to GIT and deployed updates on the Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Analyzed user needs and proposed solutions to meet them
  • Communicated regularly with Product Owners of the BMW Group


CipSoft GmbH, Regensburg, GermanyMarch 2020 - August 2020
  • Ownership of project "visualize relationships between game content"
  • Researched and prepared documentation about bulk importing into Neo4j database
  • Wrote clear, clean code to export game content and their relationships. Created plugin for game designers to use database without query knowledge
  • Wrote scripts and configured Jenkins for automating the process
  • Collaborated effectively with members of software development team and personnel in other departments


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

OTH Regensburg, GermanyMarch 2018 - February 2022
  • Courses in Computer Graphics, AI, Software Engineering and Software Architecture Design. Bachelors Thesis: Framework for AI creation and comparing different AI algorithms.

Technical High School Graduation

Technik FOS Munich, GermanySeptember 2015 - July 2017
  • High school classes in addition to 10 week internship in electronic technologies and 10 week internship in metal technologies.

Client Testimonials

Hopefully coming soon..

Get in touch

Feel free to send me a mail or contact me over these socials!

Osaka, Japan